Manipulative Forces Propagating the Age Factor

A lifespan is generally divided into segments denoting a certain role that needs to be taken seriously for that particular time frame, essentially to fulfill the norms of a society. Yes, you guessed it right, I am talking about the age factor. How old are you? What are you doing with your life? By now, you should have been somewhere! I mean seriously, what are we talking about?

Why don't we cut to the chase and raise the curtains. What they really want to know, is the whereabouts of our income and the future plans to earn it. Some way or the other, they want to make realize that paying up for your expenses is what's troubling us. Yes, I agree that the question should be of the utmost concern to us, but at the same time I also understand that every execution requires time to reveal its potential and the process has its own nurturing phases.

I solemnly believe in setting up agendas everyday and working upon their fulfillment, which is how it should be! Well, who am I kidding, trust me I'm very lazy.. See the thing is that you got to have consistency as well as sincerity towards your passion, or work as many would say, depending on whether they have given up under the status quo.

After having known your role and how things are going to take place, there would be a panel, to first criticize your approach and later proposing a direction that is totally aloof to the current setting. Seeing through your own perspective is an entirely different story as you only know what's best in your interest.

These tiny bits of distraction are going to come in the way of your goals, but one needs to be resolute and possess a rigid willingness to ignore whatever is standing in front of you. Nobody and I mean no one has any idea as to the strengths and weaknesses of your personality, it's you who knows it all, no matter what you might brag about how cool you are, needlessly to stay relevant among the group of people you associate yourself with.

My advice, being a  victim to this distraction plague, is to stay put and keep coming up with opportunities, which you can jot down and work upon, technically which are feasible under your grasp. Restricting yourself because some idiot thinks that your age segment is jeopardized as you have not been following the path of righteousness in the social circus, is what's depressing and a major factor to influence our aim.

Okay, ask yourself, what does getting older means to you? The answer is nothing! It's a course of nature that will keep happening and will turn into our ultimate demise. The highly acclaimed phenomena is success that blows away the age into the mist, because who cares how old are you as long as you have managed to realize your dreams and have turned them into reality. Now you are invincible, they can't touch you, plus the conscience of having to spend money is no more around to trouble you. You know what to do and how it's done.
